How to Pack a Kitchen

Packing your kitchen efficiently is a necessity for a smooth transition.  Let’s think about this. The kitchen needs to be used all the way to moving day. Therefore it needs to be one of the last rooms packed. Keep in mind it will need to be the first room unpacked at your new location. The […]

Morning of Moving Day

To help keep the stress level down the morning of moving day, take a few minutes the night before to map out items in a specific area needed for the big day. Advise each family member of their specific responsibilities they have that morning.  1. A Good Night’s Sleep: This can be difficult due to […]

Prepare for Moving Day

prepare for moving day

Congratulations on your new home! Now let’s help you prepare for moving day. You’ve packed up most of your belongings – Now what? Here are a few tips to help your prepare for your big moving day.  First, Have a clear plan. Start out by having a clear plan. Make a detailed list you can […]