Prepare for Moving Day

hi, i'm dina

We help families choose the packing system that works for them. Just follow along with our tricks of the trade  and of course tweak as you go for a smoother moving experience.

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prepare for moving day

Congratulations on your new home! Now let’s help you prepare for moving day. You’ve packed up most of your belongings – Now what? Here are a few tips to help your prepare for your big moving day. 

1. Have a clear plan. Start out by having a clear plan. Make a detailed list you can check off as your go. After you determine your moving date, decide to hire movers (or not).  Purchase all your packaging supplies. Start here to decide how many plastic bin rentals you need based on the size of your home. Remember to transfer all utilities and forward your mail to new home address. Checking things off your list makes the overwhelming task of moving manageable.

2. Declutter, Declutter, Declutter. Use this time to get rid of all those things you haven’t used in at least a year. Make two piles – a donate pile and a discard pile. If you have the energy, do a garage sale. As you declutter while you pack it will be a much simpler process unpacking.  

3. Pack organized. As much as possible pack with some organization.  Start one room at a time. Label all boxes with room and major contents. Leave a box in each room for essentials you can leave out as you prepare for moving day. Put a box together of essentials needs for the new home on moving day. These items include…toilet paper, paper towels, paper plates, plastic silverware, plastic cups, snacks and important documents.

4. Forward mail and Update Info. File a change of address with the US Postal Service.  Notify financial institutions, healthcare providers, utilities, employers,  schools, lawn care, pest control and subscription services. Arrange for all services to be transferred. 

In summary, by following a checklist to stay ahead  of the game you can effectively prepare for moving day with minimized stress.