Gift Card

What a great idea to give a gift card to a new homeowner.  This will help take some of the stress off of some of their moving experience. These gift cards are emailed to them directly and there is no expiration date.  You will be so appreciated for this thoughtful gift!


Who doesn’t love a Gift Card?! What a thoughtful gift from a Real Estate Agent to the new homeowner to thank them for their business.  Hand them the keys to their new home and mention to them that they have a surprise waiting for them in their email inbox.

This gift card can be used towards any U-pack Bin Rental Package.  We deliver sanitized reusable bins to their current home.  They pack and move.  We pick up the bins from their new home. Then they don’t have to fuss about card board boxes,  taping them up, breaking them down AND the dreaded disposal of the cardboard box mess. They will so appreciate their real estate agent for the thoughtful gift card to make their moving experience less stressful!

Of course it is not a requirement to be a Real Estate agent.  We all know someone at different times in our lives  who are upsizing, downsizing or anything in-between. Furthermore, this is a unique gift any family member or friend would greatly appreciate. They could use the money set aside for boxes to enjoy an extra night or two not having to find the pots and pans to cook dinner. Send them a gift card that is automatically emailed to them, then show up  with a bottle of wine and offer to help them pack. They will love  you!